

At 14:11 on Sat, 28 Oct 2000 , joan snyder wrote:
>it is with a lot of humility and pride that i am able to tell you that
>janet paterson has my new website up & running & looking great! it is
>hard for me to believe that anyone would be so interested in the
>ramblings of a midwestern housewife but some pretty amazing things have
>happened to me! i think that you will really enjoy this site - janet did
>an fantastic job on it - so enjoy! to those of you who have already
>visited-please drop back by as it is constantly being updated ... for
>those of whom i owe a letter ... please accept this as my partial excuse
>and the insanity of my life as the rest of the reason. May God Bless You
>on this day and always!!   j
>Joan E. Blessington Snyder     49/10
>[log in to unmask]
>"Hang way through it but to do it."
>    Chris-in-the-Morning  (Northern Exposure)

hi all

i thank joan for the kind words
about my wwweb spinnin 'n' weavin, howsumever,
let me remind her and y'all of the reason i did dun it...
(i seem to have got up on the country side of bed this mornin)

th last time
joan used the words humility and pride
she was announcing the birth of the (our) book:
"Voices from the Parking Lot - Parkinson's Insights and Perspective"

and my instant response was:

Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 14:04:01 -0400
To:   joan snyder <[log in to unmask]>
From: janet paterson <[log in to unmask]>
Subj: Re: It is with a great amount of humility and pride...



here's an offer:

i will make a webpage for you
anonymously if you like


you have so many fingers in so many wonderful pies
 i think you need a central 'funnelling' place
for all the info floating around out there
about what you do for us

no pressure
just an offer




joan's spirit inspires me
i have never enjoyed 'working' so much

and the amazing things are still happening to joan and to me

as of today,
her web pages have generated over 1500 hits
since they were even just partially viewable on the web

which confirms my hunch that
joan e. blessington snyder, just a housewife from illinois,
is a walkin talkin pd awareness campaign
in her own right

she's been doing all the PD awareness work
i am simply reporting it to you (us)

communication is life


janet paterson, an akinetic rigid subtype parkie
53 now /44 dx cd / 43 onset cd /41 dx pd / 37 onset pd
TEL: 613 256 8340 URL:
EMAIL: [log in to unmask] SMAIL: POBox 171 Almonte Ontario K0A 1A0 Canada