

   Thanks for doing all this research . You are correct - there are
currently 11 Udall  Parkinson's Research Centers funded by the NIH. Carol
Walton, of the Parkinson's Alliance verified this just yesterday .

The Udall Act originally called for 10 centers, but fudning was made
available for one more. The history of how this funding came about, and
how advocacy by a united  Parkinson's Community got us to the point we
are at today, is really ffascinating and
inspiring --someeone should write a book...

In terms of applying the research to patient care, the news Judith posted
about the  Michigan Parkinson Initiative is very exciting as well. Along
with the Booth Gardner Parkinson's Care Center, founded by Bill Bell's
Northwest Parkinson's Foundation these sound like great models for what
quality care for PWP should be all about.

I would like not to have PD,  of course, but I think it is an honor to be
a part of the Parkinson's Community.