

At 09:22 PM 11/01/2000 -0500, you wrote in part
>  <SNIP>
>Sunday night we hired a CNA from 7PM to 7AM, but that did not work because
>it robbed me of any privacy to shower, etc. and I slept in my street
>clothes, and besides, that come easily to $ 1,000 per week.  We are
>setting up a schedule where family and good friends can
>participate.  Thus, last night Barbara Sperling came with her husband Al,
>and while she sat Al and I went upstairs to play duplicate bridge.  When
>that game was over, around 9:30PM, I re-took my position as vigil.  Aaron
>sat here for several hrs. this afternoon, doing his work with his lap top
>while Leah took the opportunity to get away and relax  and work with the
>make up of Bobby Brown in the mad house of Neiman Marcus.  But she'll back
>here to spend the day caring for her mother tomorrow morning.
>Good Morning Michel ,

I just wish there was something I could do from here for you.
I'm so glad Leah is there to spell you a little while, I'm sure
you are about at your wits end too!!
Know we are all with you in spirit!!!

Love to all,