

Dear Carol-- what a great endorsement-- and a reminder that there's "more
than one way to skin a cat" ---though that is something I'd NEVER do !  8--)

It reminded me of one of our local CGs whose hubby was very demanding. She
got a copy of the "Caregivers' Bill of Rights" and posted it on the
fridge---he was a lot nicer after that!  You never know for sure what will
strike the necessary note to get another person on your wavelength--but if
"Voices" can do it, that's wonderful!  And we're giving copies to relatives

>Hi everyone,
>I'm not a frequent contributor to the list, but I wanted to let others who
>may be in my situation know how "Voices from the Parking Lot" has changed my
>home life.SNIPPED

   .Hopefully this change in him continues and I keep getting
>the support I need here. Or it may just be he wants a new dump truck. LOL
>Now if I can get my kids to read it and understand that Mom can't do
>everything as she once did. They may not read mine but guess what? Each are
>getting a copy for Christmas.
>I thank every one of you contributors for the book and I thank God for all
>you wonderful, supportive PD friends
we are not in this alone.
>You can get a copy by calling 1-800-579-8440 Cost is $25 plus shipping and
>God Bless all of you,

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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