

It's obvious that you believe Pesticides are the root of PD.
You have lots of company, I just don't happen to be in that group
with you.
In the 1800's, when Dr. Parkinson first named our curse, they didn't,
in the USA, use the number of pesticides they do today and yet they
had PD also.
IMOHO, if it was one thing, as simple as pesticide use, one of these
scientists would have isolated that information and found a cure by
now, after all these years.

You are still young enough to live to see a cure, I pray that its soon.

just me,

At 03:09 PM 11/06/2000 -0600, you wrote:
> >
> > However, it's me who has the PD, and I never was around any of the
> pesticides.
>I respect your right to your opinion, however...
>.... just because you didn't personally handle pesticides, does not mean u
>are not or were not in contact with pesticides, everyone either living in
>the city or on the farm are eating both residual herbicides and pesticides
>every day unless you do not eat any of the food produced in our daily food
>Why it affects only some of us and not all of us with the same diseases,  I
>can't answer that one.
>Let me give you an example--do u eat bread,or cereals?? IF so- let me tell
>you the production cycle.. This fall the agricultural community has already
>sprayed all the fields with a herbicide to kill any growth or weeds. In the
>spring and over the summer other herbicide(s) (and other pesticide(s) will
>be added on top of the process), and the spraying will be repeated 2-3 times
>during the growing period of wheat for example which produces flour for your
>bread. Which means that the soil is now totally loaded with both herbicides
>and pesticides and as the plant grows in its entire life cycle the leaves
>and roots feed of moisture and soil contaminated by both the herbicides and
>pesticides. In the fall to ripen the crop it will again be directly sprayed
>with a herbicide called RoundUp which kills the entire crop evenly for
>No, I am not condemning any farmers out there!! They have to do this in
>order to compete and survive in the world economy.
>IMHO anyone who thinks that all residual traces of all these herbicides and
>pesticides used are still not in that food chain after harvest, please
>carefully think again
>While washing a may remove a surface contaminant, those who think a simple
>washing will solve the problem of vegeteables which have been feed
>internally their entire life cycle with herbicides and pesticides,  please
>carefully think again.
>Don 51/3