

... can be thrilling but is not precognitive

looking at one aspect of a situation
is easier than digging deeper or wider

the 'unknown' seems to have fear attached to it
but the fear has been brought to it by us -
it trailed along with us
stuck to the bottom of our shoes without our noticing

why couldn't the unknown
be equally as likely to be joyful as painful?

[which it isn't by the way - it's 100% joy]

fear is powerful

it's the only other emotion besides love

if we feel unworthy guilty undeserving
we expect to be hurt abandoned to suffer to lose
we anticipate pain
we fear everything and everyone as threats
and so we build a world of illusion

since we feel fear so strongly it must be valid, real, no?
not if based on illusion, no.

right now and right here is me telling you
my mind communing with your mind
our minds joining
in the idea that there is nothing real to fear
that the bad dreams and the monsters in the closet are smoke 'n' mirrors
it's time to wake up
it's time to rise and shine


janet paterson, an akinetic rigid subtype parkie
53 now /44 dx cd / 43 onset cd /41 dx pd / 37 onset pd
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