

hi all

now that i have had a chance to see the finished book in three dee
i find that my comments, if anything, are a tad weak
in the enthusiasm department

this book is wonderful
get it



     on the back cover of
     "voices from the parking lot"

     While I see "Voices from the Parking Lot"
     as an end, and a miraculous accomplishment at
     that, I keep thinking of the means, the messages
     in the medium, the cyber-miracle of our time.
     The number of voices being heard from the
     parking lot grows without limits. Any bitterness
     from my initial sense of loss at my diagnosis
     is gone, washed away by the sweetness of the
     gifts embodied in this communion and
     in this community.

     Janet Paterson

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janet paterson, an akinetic rigid subtype parkie
53 now /44 dx cd / 43 onset cd /41 dx pd / 37 onset pd
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