

Hurray for Michael J. !!!  And for Sid Levin too.  Saw you on TV tonight.
Well done!  And thanks for calling that great article from Michael J. Fox to
our attention.  People will read that and pay attention.  They like and
respect him.  We all feel like we know him.

 I've written so many letters to editors about stem cell research, so many
letters to Congressmen and Senators and circulated so many of Sid's wonderful
petitions, and sent so many e-mails to Congress on this topic, with very
little response from anyone.  But people will notice what Michael says.

Our Central NY Parkinson's Support Group started being invited to do health
fairs this year.  At one of these in April I had on display a few copies of a
new women's magazine that I write for called Mohawk Valley Women.  I do a
column in this monthly magazine called "Wheelchair Whimsies."  In the April
issue I did an article on Michael J. Fox, for Parkinson's Awareness Month,
and the editor ran a nice big color photo of him right beside it.   That got
people's attention!  One woman came along, looked at our PD sign then at the
story about Michael, and said," I don't know anything about Parkinson's
disease except that he has it, and I feel so bad for him."

Thanks, Mike.  I hope your Times article makes as big an impression on
everyone who reads it as you made on that sweet lady.

Margaret F. (Marge) Moylan 56/41/39