

Hi Sid,

Well done!  You asked the clearest, most germane and productive question
of the night.  I had hoped that you would speak up when that guy, who
had a lot to say about changing government, then said he wasn't going to
vote.  One could not have put the question better to a person
complaining about their government, and then deciding not to vote:

Can't quote it word for word, so to paraphrase--What would you do if
your right to vote was taken away from you?  Spot on, Sid.  That did
more good than any other words uttered in three hours; and just when I
was feeling like I wasn't even going to spot you, much less hear from
you, SID SCORES!  YES!!   I believe the gentleman recanted, and sort of
said he wasn't really serious about not voting.  That's what it was all
about; helping people clear the cobwebs from the issues and getting them
to choose, and to VOTE!

Ya did good,
