

Thanks to Lorraine Jeffe and Marjorie Moorefield working together, we were
able to get the article by Hearst Columnist Marjorie Means into PIED.
I think it's so important that I'm putting it out to my mailing list of
political activists and also to my friends and relatives. (Wish I could write
as good as she does.)
If you get the article twice, my apologies.
If you are not on my politically active list of PWP (& caregivers) and want
to get on it, drop me a line.

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P.S. If you missed the article and want a copy -- I'll gladly send you one.
PPS The Presidential Candidate's stated position on stem cell research is
 Gore=For  Bush=Against.
If you are against stem cell research, by all means vote for Bush.
Just how important to you is the most promising tool to come on the horizon
for us and millions of other suffering citizens of presently incurable
Your vote counts. (If you don't vote -- that counts too!)