

I'd like to know who of the men on this list, in their early years of
driving, never drove under the influence, at least once.  Probably you
didn't get caught.
But getting back to the election, both men have flaws.   BUT...
Al Gore has no executive experience.  The buck has never stopped at his
desk.  He has never run a company and he has never run an administration
at any level.  He has only stood back as part of the crowd and taken pot
shots at those that are making a difference.
Gore has no principled positions.  He constantly changes his position
depending on the way the wind is blowing.  He was pro-life;now he is
pro-choice.  He was pro 2nd amendment; now he is pro-gun control.  He
cannot be trusted to do what he says he will do.  His lack of credibility
could get us in trouble.  He doesn't know what is the truth.
......Think about it....

I'm sorry, but I had to get my 2 cents in.  Grace