

i can see both sides of the arguement here, but,
having worked in a drug research lab
i would be hesitant to turn many FDA responsibilities over
to the big drug companies.
this relates to drug approval for clinical or over the counter use...
grant funding and the huge NIH lab complex is another issue.

an objective review board has to exist.
and multiple blinded studies in different labs

it would be like eliminating the judicial branch of gov't.
to try to do without it--as imperfect as it is--would be inviting chaos
FDA procedures have evolved to their bloated beurocratic form
because it is supposed to "protect" us.

please remember --
the young man who recently died
from a clinical trial utilizing experimental gene therapy
and he and relatives were poorly informed of the risks
by investigators
and NIH officials got called before the senate

and the beauracry is supposed to be the safety net

-----in an ideal world-----

mistakes like this wouldn't happen
human life would be held most sacred
we wouldn't need the FDA
all humans would respect each other
and there would be no more war
and world peace would happen

dream on

but, that doesn't mean things shouldn't change
or that it couldn't happen
or that we shouldn't have lofty goals

and the FDA could be streamlined

"Marjorie L. Moorefield" wrote:

> At 10:50 PM 11/02/2000 -0500, you wrote:
> >Absolutely not !!!!  That would result in the higher bidder winning out,
> >and then the consumer loses BIG!
> >The federal scientists (not administrators) are dedicated and not
> >beholden to anyone and can give the most objective results.
> >Michel
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "Marjorie L. Moorefield" <[log in to unmask]>

> <snippage>

> Many times jobs can be done less expensive and better
> someplace else, but if you don't have you name on the
> list, you lose out!  The Federal Govt. operates the sameway,
> unfortunately!


> just me,
> Marjorie
> who is seeing yellow mourning doves in her backyard.
> The only bird whose color is correct is those 3 blasted
> Blue Jays. GGGRRRRR!!!!!

was it better in black and white?
 "If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not
be called research, would it?" --Albert Einstein
                    Ray Strand
...on the edge of the prairie abyss ......................
            48/47 dx/40 ? onset pd