

John, we just viewed this story on the NBC Nightly News......and my husband's
reaction was "I should be a prime candidate for PD.....we used rotenone
widely on the garden when I was a kid at home".   My husband has 3 sisters
who also worked in the garden, and handled rotenone.

My husband and his 3 sisters are now in their late 50's and early
60's......none show any signs of PD at this time.....nor did his
parents/grandparents (now deceased). (and grandma lived to be 98.)

Unfortuantely, his wife (me)....the one who did not work in the garden at his
home nor even visit gardens.....was symptomatic before the age of 30.

Guess there is a lot of genetics to be unraveled to find this link to
rotenone, or other things in the environment.

This report is probably very significant to the basic neurological
researchers.....but not yet ready for a lot of public scrutiny or hopeful

Rita Weeks 56/12