

At 21:27 2000/11/09 EST, fran wrote:
>Dear Listmembers,
>Does anyone have any knowledge about electric beds?  I am not
>sleeping, am very uncomfortable and dread going to sleep.  I
>am having difficulty moving or even changing my position.  I
>am also having trouble getting into and out of bed. Someone
>suggested that I look into automatic beds.  Any information
>about this including brands, do they make a difference, etc.,
will be appreciated. Thank you. Fran Landes 46/45/43

hi fran

if you are not sleeping, you are right to be concerned
sleep deprivation is not something to mess with

it seems like early days to me for you to be so uncomfortable
you should be in your sinemet 'honeymoon' years now
unless you have not yet started on sinemet...?

if you are a stiffness type of parkie as opposed to a tremour type
you are like me and i cannot go to sleep at all
if i am 'off' [undermedicated]

i always have to wait for my muscles to relax in the sinemet 'melt-in'
before i can be comfortable enough to fall asleep
and, far from your 'dread' of going to sleep,
it feels so good to be 'melted' and relaxed that i luxuriate in it...

but i am 10 years further down the pd road than you...

tell us what your med regimen is like...?

in re silk bedding and nightclothes, my one experience was
in a slippery robe and in a slightly dyskinetic [overmedicated] state
where i hopped into bed and promptly slipped off the other side
onto the floor! you have been warned!

i hope this helps


janet paterson, an akinetic rigid subtype parkie
53 now /44 dx cd / 43 onset cd /41 dx pd / 37 onset pd
TEL: 613 256 8340 URL:
EMAIL: [log in to unmask] SMAIL: POBox 171 Almonte Ontario K0A 1A0 Canada