

Hi Joao,
I'm not certain if they even had computerized voting
that they wouldn't have hackers.
I saw Peter Jennings the other night try to explain
what happened, and I SAW with my own eyes that someone
had entered Data which read that Bush was leading in
BROWARD County, my home county, by 234 votes.
That had to be hacked information!!  Broward voted 67%
for Gore, its an impossibility for Bush at anytime to have
been ahead in Broward. But once that information was
passed on, they took the projection away from Gore and
gave it to Bush, only to have to rescind it again.

I myself have had a hacker from Korea trying to get into my
computer.  My ISP is onto it now.  I have Black Ice Defender,
which is an intrusion detector.  Whomever this is, started in
on Tuesday night and I have had 33 attacks since.
Who knows why people like to hack, but they do, and so there-
fore I don't think computers are going to be foolproof.

I don't think anything is foolproof in the USA anymore.
But thanks for caring, we appreciate it.

just me,

At 06:05 PM 11/12/2000 -0200, you wrote:
>Hello Marjorie,
>What is really amazing is the USA, the first nation in technical advances,
>does not have a fool proof procedure against voter fraud , whereas here in
>Brazil (which is not included in the developed countries group) we are already
>using a full electronically controlled election procedure which results may be
>computed in the same day of the voting day .Official results are proclaimed in
>few days.
>The screen of the monitor shows the photo and the name and number of the
>candidates . If one click a wrong key is still possible  repeat the wrong
>choice done by not clicking the confirmation key....
>Good luck whichever the winner be.  :-)
>"Marjorie L. Moorefield" wrote:
> > Sorry Sandy,
> >    Those who told them they made a
> > mistake and asked for a new ballot were told they couldn't have one.
> > Florida law says a voter will be issued as many as 3 ballots to vote
> > correctly. Only after 3 mistakes will they not be issued another ballot.
> >   Those are the people who have filed law suits, and I don't blame them
> > at all.
> >
> > What is even worse is that many voters have admitted being confused by the
> > ballots and still they DID NOT ask for help!  Go figure!