

WHO bid to regulate health sites

Monday, 13 November, 2000, 13:32 GMT - The World Health Organisation (WHO)
has launched a bid to improve the quality of health websites.

The WHO has suggested a ".health" domain name be created as an address for
internet sites offering health news and advice.

Under the plans, those sites using this domain would have to meet high
standards in quality and ethics.

The ".health" domain would join the privileged list of other top level
domains, such as ".com" and ".org".

If the plans go ahead, the WHO would be responsible for regulating the
".health" sites.

Reliable information

It would draw up policies and standards governing this sector and would
decide which sites would be eligible to use the domain.

Dr Joan Dzenowagis, one of those behind the proposal, said the changes
would help internet users.

"The WHO is responding to the needs of internet users looking for a
reliable means of navigating their way through a mass of medical
information that is often complex and sometimes contradictory," she said.

The WHO said more than 10,000 health-oriented sites existed on the internet
and that it was not easy for users to be sure they had the right information.

The holder of the ".health" domain name would be charged with ensuring that
participating sites adhere to quality and ethical standards.

Those standards would be set by the WHO in consultation with "governments,
medical associations, consumer groups, the health industry and others", it

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Icann), which was
created in 1998, said that new domain names had to be found to keep up with
internet expansion.

Icann meets in Los Angeles this week to examine a number of proposals for
new domains, including the one put forward by the WHO.

Related to this story:
BMA wants internet prescribing ban (21 Jul 00 | Health)
'Digital divide' hits third world health (29 Sep 00 | Health)
Elderly offered 'death' advice online (20 Sep 00 | Health)
Prescriptions to go online (12 Sep 00 | Health)
Internet 'encourages false illness' (06 Aug 00 | Health)

Internet links:
World Health Organisation

BBC News Online: Health

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