

If you can check the archives......we did have a bed discussion a few years
ago.  The really important thing that I remember about this was that if you
are buying an adjustable bed, it should also adjust "up and down" like a
hospital bed and not just with feet and leg elevation.

The important thing about "up and down" is that the caregiver will have much
less back strain if "caregiver support" is needed now or down the road.

We recently purchased a new mattress (non electric) that is much higher than
the old set...and I find it much easier to get out of bed....because I am
virtually standing when my feet hit the floor.........however, if I were any
shorter (5 ft.8in), I would not be able to get on top of the darn mattress
without an extension ladder!!!!!

Since you mentioned rolling over as a problem......have you tried :"silk
pajamas" and or "silk sheets".........warning, don't use silk sheets and
pajamas or you might slide out of bed!.

Rita Weeks 56/12