Hi,  Thanks for the advice.  Yes, I am taking mom to see a neurologist again after she has been cleared by the cardiologist.
Right now,she has homecare coming in 3 x week.  3 hours Monday, 1 Wednesday and 1 on Friday.  She will be getting a physiotheraist and she is also on the list (2nd from top) for a OT to come and assess the situation in the house.  Sad that it took a bad fall for my sister to realize that mom does need help., although mom was pretty good at hiding her symptons from the two of us.
Yes, she does have PD.  It started out with tremors in her hands quite a while before her diagnosis. Now she shuffles when she walks, loses her balance when she turns, bending forward more with her upper body as she is walking, has a hard time (almost impossible) for her tto turn over in bed never mind getting in or out.  In the beginning we thought the the tremors were only her nerves. Were we wrong!
Lateley I've noticed (neurologist also) that my mother rarely blinks and that her facial features are not animated almost as if they were frozen.  Are these also symptons of PD?  I've never come across them in all my searches on info on PD.
Thanks to you all