

Dear Marjorie--- boy, does this ring a bell !  In our case, it's I who
can't hear, and because of Peter's Parkie voice I "hear" him say the
strangest things sometimes---good for a laugh.

As for absentee ballots, that may also vary from state to state. In Ohio
there are some 8 or 9 reasons you can use one, including being over 65,
being in hospital, jail, out of country, being a poll-worker, etc, etc,
etc.  We always vote that way now, as Peter hates to take so long to sign
his name in the book at the polling place !

Nancy's question as to how we know our absentee ballots are counted is a
good one---but then, how do we ever know that ANY particular ballot is
counted? The system has to run on faith to a large extent, which is why the
confusion in Florida is so troubling!

Marjorie wrote in part--
>I think this is going to be one of those days!!!
>We then drive to the park and as we are walking around I remark
>to my husband that it has truly turned cold, (it was 62º on the back
>patio this morning),  he responds with "Yes, it looks as if someone
>has torn it down".
>He goes to an ENT Doctor on the 16th. for an audio test.
>just me,

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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