

                                SILENCE SCREAMING

I sit in silence.
Listening to the sound of snow flakes crashing to the ground
And quiet memories of yesterday, screaming in my mind
An accidently reading
of an old doctor's report,
mentioning in passing,
telling of more loss than I had known.

Today I found out I was almost a father
and today I found out, that once again, I've outlived my child
there is something perverse about knowing you live,
while your dreams of a better, different future lie quiet and dead
In this case, not even buried, but just discarded
some would argue that tissue isn't alive
or beings have to breath air to be live
but in the deafening sounds of silence
definitions lose all meanings
and others opinions of the origin of life are unimportant
next to the tears you cry for the might of beens,
or what if's
and you know you shouldn't go there,
it's only going to hurt,
but you whisper to yourself
I wonder if she would have had my eyes,
or what color was her hair.

They say kids are god's gift to mortals,
and they are only here for awhile
as angels sent to earth
I sit and listen to snow falling
and wonder why God would want
to send me an angel, again,
and change his mind, again.

In my mind, I know that this is by far, for the best
There are so many good  reasons not to have a baby
but if I know this so easily,
then why does reading an old doctor's report
from a year ago, a lifetime ago
about an incidentle damage report
cause my heart to weap so hard?

So I sit, listening to snowflakes,
crashing to the ground
and quiet memories of yesterday
screaming in my mind.

bob armentrout copyright 2000
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