

I am os sorry to read about your mom's passing.
Please feel free to call me, or visit at anytime.

I know that there must be swings of
feeling at this time, so can I suggest that
you try to  keep grateful, and close to your prayer books.
This works for me,

I have two housemates now. One is African-
American and is a cook. He  most
recent landlord, for 2 years, had him put in jail when he had
not enough money, after paying rent, to put a
downpayment on another place to live. He was
asked to leave, and he refused, so they called the cops.

I had to help him, since I knew him.  I ended
up going to the jail by taxi after dark to bail
him out.  I asked the front desk for the prison chaplain.
He turned out to be the visiting chaplain  to the prison,
someone I actually have met and sung with
on Martin Luther King Day.

The other housemate's mother is dying at Maine
Medicalk Center, and is Native American.  He
is an IRish-French-Native American.  Also
a cook and an old friend.

They are fantastic guys, so God is seeing me through
what would be crisis for someone else.  TWO
housemates when I was only praying for one!

I feel you will be blessed so just keep in touch
as best as you can.

Love to a special friend,


On Sat, 11 Nov 2000 14:42:00 -0500 Debbie White <[log in to unmask]>
> I will be leaving the list. My mother Joyce Scaduto, who died on
> Sunday, had
> a Parkinson's Plus disease. I received unparalleled information from
> this
> list for almost 4 years as well as from the MSA list I subscribe to.
> I will
> remain on the MSA list and hope that if someone finds their way here
> with
> that disease, you will steer them there, too.
> Thank you all for stepping in when I needed information and support.
> I wish
> you all well, long life, and a cure for this horrible disease. Hang
> on and
> keep fighting. Meet the beast head on. I know that one day you will
> win.
> Debbie
> Debbie White
> [log in to unmask]
> >

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses        34  WINDY  deg. F   :-)