

Music therapy 'helps dementia'

Thursday, 16 November, 2000, 11:09 GMT - Scientists in London are carrying
out a study to see if music therapy could be introduced on the NHS to help
dementia patients.

Initial trials have shown that old people who suffer from dementia benefit
from music therapy.

The therapy involves professional musicians and patients playing
instruments and making music.

The trials have found that the therapy is popular with patients and can
help them to communicate.

But scientists at Imperial College London are planning to carry out a study
to see if they can prove that this therapy has long term benefits for
dementia sufferers.

If their results are positive, the scientists are hopeful that the therapy
can be introduced on the NHS as a treatment for dementia patients.

Dementia is a progressive, degenerative and irreversible brain disorder
that causes intellectual impairment, disorientation and eventually death.

There is no cure. It is estimated that 2-5% of people over 65 years of age
and up to 20% of those over 85 years of age suffer from the disease.

Professor Chris Bulpitt, from Imperial College London who is heading the
study, believes music therapy can benefit patients.

But he added: "For the health service to take a serious interest in this
type of therapy you have to show longer term benefits.

"That's why we are going to measure quality of life, activity, cognition,
communication and hostility, for about four weeks.

"Then they are having eight weeks of weekly therapy and another four weeks
to see how it lasts."

Neuroscientists Professor Susan Greenfield described the therapy as

"I think this is marvellous because it is not involving drugs and so much
treatment usually involves some sort of medication.

"Here we have something that is exploiting a natural property of the brain
to really maximise the benefits."

Professor Greenfield said that while the therapy will not cure dementia it
could slow down the progression of the disease.

"What could be the case, and this is just an idea, is that by stimulating
the brain in this way you're actually stimulating the connections you're
trying to keep them working and if they are working then perhaps they would
be less prone to degenerating.

"So it may be slowing down the process in some way, stabilising what you

Caroline Welsh, from Music for Life and one of the musicians who has played
for dementia patients, said the therapy helps patients to communicate.

"There is a childlike quality that people suffering from dementia have, so
they are reacting in an instinctive way often and sometimes their emotion
is very raw and very close to the surface.

"If you play something that is very beautiful it may make some of the
residents cry and it is very clear how you are communicating with them."

Professor Greenfield said she hoped the therapy could be introduced across
the UK.

"One would hope so because it is not involving high tech equipment or very
expensive or toxic drugs."

Related to this story:
Head injuries link to Alzheimer's (24 Oct 00 | Health)
Alzheimer's disease 'can be reversed' (17 Oct 00 | Health)
Doctors 'mistake dementia in elderly' (31 Aug 00 | Health)
Scans uncover 'music of the mind' (07 Aug 00 | Health)

Internet links:
Alzheimer's Disease Society
Imperial College London

BBC News Online: Health

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