

You can't fool me Darwin,
this was written by an Engineer!!!
Please quit trying to blame the Military
for everything! :)

just me,

At 10:15 AM 11/17/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>For all you poem and/or humor lovers out there: (This was written by on
>overseas military person who voted absentee in another state.)
>               COUNT ME IN
>Can we count them with our nose?
>Can we count them with our toes?
>Should we count them with a band?
>Should we count them all by hand?
>If I do not like the count,
>I will simply throw them out!
>I will not let this vote count stand!
>I do not like them, AL GORE I am!
>Can we change these numbers here?
>Can we change them, calm my fears?
>What do you mean, Dubya has won?
>This is not fair, this is not fun!
>Let's count them upside down this time.
>Let's count until the state is mine!
>I will not let this VOTE count stand!
>I do not like it, AL GORE I am!
>I'm really ticked, I'm in a snit!
>You have not heard the last of it!
>I'll count the ballots one by one
>And hold each one up to the sun!
>I'll count, recount, and count some more!
>You'll grow to hate this little chore.
>But I will not, cannot let this vote count stand!
>I do not like it, Al Gore I am!
>I won't leave office, I'm stayin' here!
>I've glued my desk chair to my rear!
>Tipper, Hillary, and Bubba too,
>all telling me that I should sue!
>We find the Electoral College vile!
>RECOUNT the votes until I smile!
>We do not want this vote to stand!
>We do not like it, AL GORE I am!
>How shall we count this ballot box?
>Let's count it standing in our socks!
>Shall we count this one in a tree?
>And who shall count it, you or me?
>We cannot, cannot count enough!
>We must not stop, we must be tough!
>I do not want this vote to stand!
>I do not like it AL GORE I am!
>I've counted till my fingers bleed!
>And still can't fulfill my counting need!
>I'll count the tiles on the floor!
>I'll count, and count, and count some more!
>And I will not say that I am done!
>Until the counting says I've won!
>I will not let this vote count stand!
>I do not like it, AL GORE I am!
>What's that? What? What are you trying to say?
>You think the current count should stay?
>You do not like my counting scheme?
>It makes you tense, gives you bad dreams?
>Foolish people, you're wrong you'll see!
>Your only care should be for me!