

No problem at all, Marjorie--I bet theres plenty to get off your chest in
the middle of all the chaos and furore down there in Florida---just hope
for your sake you can take a deep breath now and then and
relax---remember the wise words, "This too shall pass..."  (we just don't
know WHEN !!!)   8--(

>Lest anyone mistakenly think I was directing the balance of my remarks
>to Camilla, from the
> >I just need to get something off my chest!<
>on, it was for the group, but I felt if I left the subject heading as it
>was, we'd really mess up the server, and I KNEW Camilla would listen
>to me and understand.
>Thanks Camilla.
>just me,

Peace and Love, Camilla
        <[log in to unmask]>

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