


We drive on an old country road,
snow covered limbs arching over us
making a white frosted blanket
covering our heads

We stop the car, and switch places,
sliding on the ice, and falling into each other's arms
Our eyes meet, and the music in my heart
goes into yours

Without a word, we begin dancing
slowly circling each other
the snow covered landscape
spinning around us

A passing car slows
and two elderly people stare
and smile with their own memories
of being young and in love

We were each blessed
with an incurable disease
that brought us so much pain
and each other

Together we give joy
and receive happiness
They say no one knows how many days they have -
but we know.

We have today, this moment, right now.
And we are going to love each other
for this moment,

bob armentrout copyright 2000

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