

At 07:46 2000/11/15 -0800, joan 'n' jan wrote:
>>I know that this has been along time coming but life happens!!
>>As a member of PLWP (People Living With Parkinson's), it is my
>>great pleasure to host w/ Carol Post our section of the Pd
>>world that involves teenagers dealing with someone who has the
>>disease ... it could be a mom or dad or grandparent! I sometimes
>>think that it is harder to watch my children deal with my disease
>>than it is for me!! So please, if you know anyone who has
>>teenaged children or grand children-would you ask them to
>>email me with their names and email addresses?? We have been
>>scouring the web looking for resources and chat rooms that are
>>monitered and I will be happy to share these resources with your
>>teenager after we get an idea of how many are out there. Thank
>>you in advance for your co-operation!!   j
>>Joan E. Blessington Snyder     49/10
>Hi joan!
>I believe that the APDA has a website for young children up to
>teens living with PWP.  The address would be: [log in to unmask]
>I also wrote a book called "My Mommy has PD ... But It's Okay"
>which the APDA is going to have printed by the end of the year,
>It is geared to about ages 9 and under and is written at a third
>grade reading  level.
>Jan Quist

hi all

congratulations to both joan and jan!

and ... another new PD book!

and ... let's hear it for people living with parkinson's!


janet paterson, an akinetic rigid subtype parkie
53 now /44 dx cd / 43 onset cd /41 dx pd / 37 onset pd
TEL: 613 256 8340 URL:
EMAIL: [log in to unmask] SMAIL: POBox 171 Almonte Ontario K0A 1A0 Canada