

Date sent:              Fri, 17 Nov 2000 04:36:54 EST
Send reply to:          Parkinson's Information Exchange Network <[log in to unmask]>
From:                   Sid Levin <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:                Why did our soldier boys die? Was it to fly our flag so high?
To:                     [log in to unmask]

> If flying our flag is worth dying for,
> what is freedom of speech worth to you? A nickel? Submitted in
> anger.............. I need to cool down.

Reminds me of an incident when I was a member of the Berkeley Police
Review Commission (civilian review board).  I was one of a minority of
"moderates" (as opposed to "radicals") who sat on that Commission
(for almost 8 years).

When Reagan invaded Grenada to rescue the American students
there, the Berkeley "masses" rioted and trashed many of the Shattuck
Avenue businesses.  Part of their "demonstration" involved burning
of the flag.  A number of complaints against the police were submitted,
and, at the next meeting of our Commission, these were discussed.

Some years before, the Berkeley City Council (controlled by radicals)
had decreed that they would no longer start each meeting with the
Pledge of Allegiance.  This extended to the Boards and Commissions
as well.

On the night that our Police Review Commission was to debate the
alleged police malfeasance, I arrived at my place on the dais with a
small American flag to place on my desk.  I knew that the Press was
going to be present at the meeting  The (city-employed) "investigator"
for the Commission (also a radical) looked at me, in front of the Press
(who had the cameras running at the time!) and she acidly said, "Dr.
Fink, don't tell me that you are going to try to force us to say the
Pledge of Allegiance!"  I calmly responded, "No, Eileen, I wouldn't
think of doing that.  For you see, one of the things that this flag
stands for is the right to NOT say the Pledge if you don't want to...."

Somehow, I think that this is, indeed, the "point".



Robert A. Fink, M. D., F.A.C.S., P. C.
2500 Milvia Street  Suite 222
Berkeley, California  94704-2636
Telephone:  510-849-2555   FAX:  510-849-2557

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"Ex Tristitia Virtus"
