

a very moving service - attended by many - i recognized many faces from the PD
support groups in the area. Barbara was very much loved - the eulogies
confirmed that. And then at the "celebration of her life" after the service,
several people took the opportunity to tell us just how important Barbara had
been in their lives.  And every body wore blue...!
I knew Barbara personally - not as well as i would have liked to - but we were
in the same support group, she was always friendly, charming, and delightful
company. And it was she who gave me a tip that has made controlling my
dyskinesia somewhat easier -[ she showed me how to hold my one arm behind my
back with the other, so as to minimize the flailing effect. Ant that really
helps. THanks Barbara - i think of you each time i do it, and i shall continue
to think of you even tho you are no longer with us in person.
Michel, you hve been a wonderful friend and support to my family. As is
customary where i come from, may i wish you a long life, as i commiserate with
you in your loss