

Dear Sheldon,
Dry mouth can be a concern for several reasons -- it's
uncomfortable, it's harder to chew and swallow food, food is
less well digested, and also dry mouth can set the stage for
dental caries that are very difficult to treat.

It may help if your mother sips water frequently to keep her
mouth moist; also, some people chew sugarless gum to help
with saliva flow. I strongly encourage her to speak with her
dentist about fluoride treatments or mouthwashes to help
prevent cavities; and also the dentist might recommend an
artificial saliva, which could also be helpful at night.

Best regards,

Sheldon Rothman wrote:
>    My mom (age 83) has had Parkinson's about 8 years. She is taking
> Sinimet (8 tablets of 25/100 a day ) and Mirapex (8 tablets of .25 mg a day).
> While she has slowly been getting worse in her balance and energy levels
> over the last 8 years, she is still managing to get around, with the aid of a
> walker.
>       Her big complaint these days is a constant feeling that her mouth is
> dry and/or stuffed. It even interferes with her sleeping. Anyone have any
> medicines and/or home remedies to alleviate this situation?
>               Sheldon Rothman

Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD
Author: "Eat well, stay well with Parkinson's disease"
"Constipation and Parkinson's" --  audiocassette & guidebook
"Guidelines for Medical Nutrition Therapy for Parkinson's
     & Risk Assessment Tools
"Risk for malnutrition and bone fracture in Parkinson's
     J Nutr Elderly. V18:3;1999.