

IBM offers computer recycling for small businesses, individuals

NEW YORK (November 14, 2000 7:22 a.m. EST - A
vast glut of obsolete computer equipment was all but inevitable when a
common cliché is that your new computer is outdated by the time you get it

Now IBM Corp., one of the world's biggest computer makers, hopes to provide
relief to a problem some environmentalists see as one of the biggest solid
waste issues to emerge in decades.

Armonk, N.Y.-based IBM on Tuesday is kicking off a program aimed
specifically at individual consumers and small business owners, two sizable
groups of computer users that up to now have struggled to find ways to rid
themselves of unwanted computer hardware.

For a fee of $29.99, IBM will accept all manner of PC parts through its IBM
PC Recycling Service. The fee includes shipping costs, so consumers need
only to box the equipment and send it via United Parcel Service to
Envirocycle, a Hallstead, Pa., recycling firm. Consumers can sign up for
IBM's program at the time of purchase or by contacting IBM.

"At IBM, we recognize as well as anyone else that advances in technology
have unfolded at a breathtaking pace. As a result of the advancement in
technology, there has been an increase in the amount of computer equipment
that is either obsolete or that no one wants," said Wayne Balta, IBM's
director of corporate environmental affairs.

Indeed, a recent study by the National Safety Council's Environmental
Health Center estimated that 20.6 million personal computers became
obsolete in the U.S. in 1998, but only 11 percent, or 2.3 million of those
PCs, were recycled. Moreover, the NSC estimates that 315 million additional
computers will become outdated by 2004.

For years, most of the unwanted personal computer equipment in this country
has gathered dust in attics and garages.

On a larger scale, the industry's solution has been to ship much of the
unwanted and environmentally dangerous parts to China, where weak
environmental laws allow for a cheap but hazardous method of disposal.

With the volume of obsolete equipment in the U.S. rapidly growing,
environmentalists are becoming increasingly concerned that more and more of
the parts - all of them laced with toxic chemicals - will accidentally wind
up in public landfills not suited to the disposal of contaminated
materials. Or worse, the equipment could wind up in illegal dumps.

While the outside shell of a computer monitor and hard drive usually can be
used again, most of the inner parts must be replaced either because they're
worn out or outdated. And it's those inner parts that contain most of the
hazardous materials, including lead, mercury and cadmium.

Balta said IBM's service will allow the equipment to either be recycled "in
an environmentally responsible way," or donated to a worthy cause if the
equipment still works.

Usable equipment will be donated to computer-needy organizations, such job
training and family services centers, through a nonprofit organization
called Gifts in Kind International.

IBM is billing the plan as a 'no strings attached' service because IBM will
accept any brand of unwanted equipment, and no purchase of any type is
required. Most recycling programs operated by smaller computer retailers
are conditioned on so-called trade-in policies, in which unwanted equipment
is removed only if the consumer buys new equipment.

IBM's program also appears to be the first aimed at individual consumers
and small businesses.

Dell Computers Corp., for example, one of IBM's biggest competitors, only
collects outdated equipment from large customers with 20 or more used
computers. IBM has a similar program for its big clients.

A Hewlett-Packard Co. spokeswoman said a recycling program for individual
customers is in the works and should be in place in a few months.

Environmentalists praised IBM's program as a step in the right direction,
but some warned that computer manufacturers and government agencies charged
with handling waste disposal need to pay more attention to the issue.

"The disposal of 'dead computers' is likely to be the next big solid waste
challenge that our nation will have to deal with," said Jeremiah Baumann,
environmental health advocate for U.S. Public Interest Research Group in

"A lot of cities and states haven't really thought about what they're going
to do with this stuff," he added.

Massachusetts is a notable exception, having enacted in March the nation's
first ban on personal disposal of computer screens, television sets and
other glass picture tubes in landfills or incinerators.

Baumann said European governments are taking a more active position on the
issue, noting that the European Union plans to require computer makers to
take back their products at no cost once the equipment becomes outdated.

Ideally, Baumann said computer makers will one day take the matter into
their own hands by developing nontoxic material for use in building
computer parts.

By DUNSTAN PRIAL, Associated Press
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