

>Camilla our MDS said pretty much what Bob said. That it is an opiate and
>can cause addication and tolerance with long term use. George has not
>become addicted to it, however he is beginning to find it
>non affective. Our Drs have no idea what to do about his ongoing pain.
>from peripheral nueropathy. He has so many problems beside the PD that
>they together
>are trying to find solutions for all of his problems. None of our DRs
>say that it is contraindicated with Georges sinemet.
>In fact all have said it is not.
>Hugs Juanita CG for George 74/71/64

Hi Juanita---I checked my drug warning file, and found Percocet/Roxicetc
listed as a "narcotic analgesic" with the same warning that Bob Fink
posted--they may  be habit-forming and can cause serious side effect.
(Others listed are Vicodin, Lorcet, Tylenol#2.#3 #4, Roxanol and of course

In our experience, Peter was given Percocet after surgery and it really
interfered with his Sinemet and made him terribly OFF until I realized what
was going on.
Again, some PWPs can tolerate it, and as always it's "different strokes..."
Just a warning to be alert for possible problems with any opiate.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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