

I found the article on the ballot machines interesting.  I read an article by the folks that made the machines
in question.  In nearly every election I have ever voted in, I have left at least one "chad" unpunched (no
lesser of 2 evils).  I took for granted that folks in Florida did the same.  Tonight on Fox news I heard
somthing about "plastic somthings" interfering with one or two columns on certain machines.  Have you heard
about specific machines being found defective?.

I also heard that somthing like 22,000 ballots were disqualified in one of the "Republican" counties too.  Do
you know any more about the other counties & if specific machines were proven defective?

David Meigs  [log in to unmask]

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Marjorie L. Moorefield" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 6:42 PM
Subject: URL

If anyone is REALLY interested in what is going on in Florida,
please read these articles from ABC News.

I was unable to get my husband to his Doctor today because of
this mob.  Anyone who thinks that is funny is really sick in the head.

This next one is from the inventor of the voting machine we use down here.

just me,

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