

>Sorry, I somehow hit send.     ...................appointment, and will his
>group fire me as a patient because I'm not following directions.  I have no
>other doctor, and no one in my life to help me with this sort of thing.
>Just some facts about Depakote & aspirin products would be most helpful right
>Thank you.
>                                        MDawn

Dear Mary-- looking in the PDR I find these statements:

Depakote is used for controlling seizures and manic episodes as well as
migraines. You should not take it if you have liver problems.   It prolongs
the time it takes blood to clot, and will not cure a headache once it has
started.   Check with your doctor before taking it in combination with
ASPIRIN,  Barbituates, blood thinners, cyclosporine,  other seizure meds,
tranquilizers like Valium & Xanax. An overdose--symptoms include coma,
extreme sleepiness, heart problems--  can be fatal.

Please don't hesitate to ask your doctor about it--I hope they will be able
to agree and advise you helpfully.  Ask for the specific reason WHY it
should not be combined with Aspirin...they shouldn't kick you out because
you ask for this information!

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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