

Friends-- be warned--there is a squad of "Military Flamingos"  trained to
"charge" and residing at a zoo in Nassau, Bahamas.   According to an
Associated Press article, these birds have been trained since the 1950s  to
perform maneuvers in lockstep!  This boggles the mind !   They are even
said to appreciate the applause of the audience, as they "run flailing
around the circle as if being chased by a warthog"! (I am NOT making this
up, as Dave Barry would say.)  The trainer is quoted as saying, "Sometimes
they say NO and you have to accept it"---that's SCARY!  There was even a
color photo of some 20 of the birds "darting past spectators"...... yep,
they are PINK all right!
What if this idea spreads to Barb Mallut's neighborhood? Will there be
*charging flamingos* on the loose there? Will they be using VISA cards?????
Where is our very own Barb-the Flamingo -person when we need her????

        ---just for fun!........ Camilla        <[log in to unmask]>

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