

A great idea, JJJane----this sort of personal project is so appreciated by
most older folks, who may not need more "ThIngs" to clutter up their
lives.....also, it's something that grandkids can do, and in the process
they will learn some family history!  Thanks for a great idea!

My friends, Hopefully this post will create a rash of ideas for Christmas
>gifts for your family and friends that have everything or have room for
>little to nothing.  I just put together a collage of old photos on a large
>bulletin board for my mother-in-law's birthday including her families
>huppmobile, her family homestead in Oklahoma, her wedding picture, a family
>gathering in 1896, on and on. She LOVES it!!!!!!! Wishing you a Merry

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
            <[log in to unmask]>

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