

hi all

At 10:18 2000/11/28 -0500, cccamilla and jjjane wrote:
>A great idea, JJJane----this sort of personal project is so
>appreciated by most older folks, who may not need more "ThIngs"
>to clutter up their lives.....also, it's something that grandkids
>can do, and in the process they will learn some family history!
>Thanks for a great idea!  cccamilla
>>My friends, Hopefully this post will create a rash of ideas for
>>Christmas gifts for your family and friends that have everything
>>or have room for little to nothing.  I just put together a collage
>>of old photos on a large bulletin board for my mother-in-law's
>>birthday including her families huppmobile, her family homestead
>>in Oklahoma, her wedding picture, a family gathering in 1896, on and
>>on. She LOVES it!!!!!!! Wishing you a Merry Christmas. jjjane

i concur with this concept of conserving commercialisation
of 'xmas' and the season around it

i am learning
["hey you - here's your next challenge - bankruptcy and a disability pension"]
that taking the time to think about giving something non-buyable to someone
as opposed to running out to a store to buy something
brings the old adage into sharper focus
'it's the thought that counts'

isn't that what we all want?
to be thought about, to be cared about, to be loved?
don't we relish the time spent with those we love
over the money they may have spent on 'stuff'?

aren't cherished memories made
of moments and not mementos?

if i had one day to live
would i want to spend it with my loved ones
or their purchased presents?

that day is now for all of us
it's the only day we get


janet paterson, an akinetic rigid subtype parkie
53 now /44 dx cd / 43 onset cd /41 dx pd / 37 onset pd
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