

At 18:12 2000/11/28 -0800, carole wrote:
>A most excellent job, janet, but you're depressing me...
>                Only kidding,
>                Carole
>P.S. On the bright side, last time I looked, I wasn't
>demented or psychotic. I personally find the prospect of
>psychiatric disability much scarier than physical
>disability. But we Parkies have it all, don't we?

only if we want it all!

but but but ...
if one is demented  ...
does one know one is demented?
if one knows that one is dementing
then one is no longer dementing, right?

the only scary thing i see about clinical depression
is the lack of awareness and understanding

it is curable now
we can't say that about pd yet


janet paterson, an akinetic rigid subtype parkie
53 now /44 dx cd / 43 onset cd /41 dx pd / 37 onset pd
TEL: 613 256 8340 SMAIL: POBox 171 Almonte Ontario K0A 1A0 Canada
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