

Lanier -

 I think everyone is amazed about the date issue, the postmark issue, etc.
The FL laws were stricter than US laws for overseas ballots, and those rules
had been applied in FL for years with no protests.  I suspect because very
few people knew that was happening.  Kathryn Harris sent a memo to all the
election offices with a list of the rules, and with all the media attention,
of course the boards were careful to apply the rules just as they were

  One good thing that will come of this mess is that unfair or unreasonable
or conflicting laws are being spotlighted and will, we hope, be rewritten.
In addition, no doubt it was high time the punch card machines were replaced.
 The inventor of the "Votomatic" was on TV today explaining why it was so
difficult to punch out the chads in the first column - I guess it gets more
use so wears out more quickly there, making it difficult for the average
person to punch it out.  Can you imagine an elderly person or someone with
arthritis, or PD for that matter, trying to deal with that?  Of course, if
there are nearly 11,000 cards thrown out in one county because of no vote for
president, that has to indicate a machine problem.  It's high time that was


 What boggles my mind is why they would disqualify an overseas ballot because
 it was not dated, and there was NO space on the ballot for a date to be
 written. >>