

On Wed, 22 Nov 2000 11:42:49 -0500, janet paterson
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>hi all
>At 11:29 2000/11/22 -0500,
>Denis Beauregard <[log in to unmask]> wrote in part:
>>If you check the header of a message, you will see 3
>>fields: To: From: Reply-to:...
>>    0    Denis Beauregard
>>   /\/   Web de généalogie: (français)
>>  |\     Genealogy Web site: (English)
>> /  |
>>oo  oo   Use of my email for spam will be billed $1000/each use
>hi denis
>on seeing your post three points jumped to my mind:
>1. in re listserv replies,
>the listserv settings have not been changed recently
>as per the configuration details on L-soft's web-site

I didn't check that.  I used the "reply" button in my
mailreader and checked the header of the messages.

>it's quite possible that some individuals' e-mail software has changed
>(standards, what standards?)
>and thus may cause that mistaken impression
>2. quelle coincidence?! my ex-husband's name is dennis aka beau!!

It is a nice name, I know !  I only met me once, however (some
Denis Beauregard from Vancouver).

>3. spam? billed for $1000 each? how does this work?
>have you ever actually billed anyone? has anyone ever actually paid?
>kinda puts a new spin on my favourite expression "make million$ on the

My usual email now begins with "billspam@".  It is used only in
newsgroups and mailing lists.  So, if I receive any spam with
that email, it is clear it was taken from a message with the
notice.  My email for the list is somewhat different (nospam@)
so I should pay attention to that and use no signature in that

Anyway, I had only 2 spams at that time to the new address.
I will likely abandon it because it is intended to be only a
spam filter and nearly all spam I receive are from the address
I have in my web sites.  I should probably change my email in
all places (i.e. in all pages in my site, in mailing lists,
etc.) so that most thing with the old email would be sent to
a folder for suspicious mail.  My fear is to delete useful
mail (I did this twice because those spammers really make me

As for sending invoices, probably I should.  Both spams I received
are on the Canadian side so I can likely sue them from a Canadian
court house.  But I would have to explain to the judge why the
bill is so high when the "processing" is actually to "delete"
one mail (a 5 second operation).


P.S.  First time I see that in a mailing list: someone replying
to my message before I see myself my message...