

I sure hope everyone in the USA has a Happy Thanksgiving.
We all have a lot to be thankful for, but I'm especially thankful
that I only bought 10# of squirrel food, which I unceremoniously
dumped all over my dining room floor, about 30 mins.after I got up,
way before my meds. could take effect.

My husband decided to be Mother's little helper today and brought
in the container I have all the squirrel food in, so I wouldn't have to
go out to the utility room to get it.  It has turned cold here, 58º on
the back patio this morning.  Only problem was, he and the dog got
up at 4:30 and he put the squirrel food in my chair about 5 a.m.
and by the time I got up at 6, he had forgotten about it, and when
I pulled my chair out to sit down, I dumped the squirrel food all
over the dining room.

He surveyed the mess, and said "I was just trying to save you a
trip to the utility room" and I said " I have to go out there and get
a broom anyway, but thanks for the thought"

We had company and had an early Thanksgiving today. I haven't
tried serving a large company dinner for about 5 years.
Generally I forget to put something on the table, but last night
I made out a check list and checked it twice, and it worked.
However, I'm still finding pumpkin seeds on the floor!!!
just me,

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