

Hello once again list family,

So many of you have expressed your desire to help me in accomplishing
getting our issues heard on Capitol Hill.  I saw my Congressman (Cass
Ballenger) today at 11:30.  He told me that Congress reconvenes starting
Monday.  Congressman Ballenger stressed the point that the quickest way to
get anything accomplished is to flood our representatives' offices in
Washington with letters and phone calls.   He specifically asked for me to
write a letter detailing my facts and that he would read it to Congress.  I
will be involved in a teleconference tonight getting specifics on exactly
what you can do to help.  After this teleconference I will again post to the
list.  You guys are so wonderful to offer your help.  Do you think you could
call your representatives and write them for the letter to arrive on Tuesday
and phones to start ringing Tuesday?
Sandy Norris 40/28/20 check my new site..
"Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see."