It has been awhile since I last read a post from you. I wanted to let you know that I did read every post that was left on your porch tonight. Your responses to all who stop by there are inspirational my friend. I felt such admiration not only for you but for all who visited and let you become their friends. Every time I read PIEN posts I am inspired by the courage they show. I wonder why am I well when so many I care about are not so well? Why have I spent so much of my life unaware of the pain and loss that all of you experience? Why cant good health be shared among those who need some more than I do? My friends who are sick dont complain about their lives. Yet so many people do who seem to have everything including a future that may seem secure. Sandy, how do you do it ? How can you maintain the positiveness that I know and saw tonight on your website? You are one of many whom I know and aspire to be; loving, kind and generous. Stay sweet as you are and as giving, and may you always walk with love.
Your friend in seattle,
friend of pwp aussie John 49/42/38 ?
btw: I saw an interview with the australian doctor who developed the blood test for early pd dx while I was in Australia last month.. I am impressed by the work that is going on there to find help for pd.