

Sandy wrote:

>Here is my letter that will be read....
>Sandra Norris
>1216-5 Emmanuel Church Rd.
>Conover, NC 28613
>Phone: (828) 695-9841
>E-mail: [log in to unmask]
>December 5, 2000
>The Honorable Congressman Cass Ballenger
>United States House of Representatives
>2182 Rayburn House Office Bldg
>Washington, DC 20515-3310

Sandy, I think this is very effective and clearly stated. It sounds real,
and is very moving.  The only suggestion I would have, if you want to,
would be to add something at the end  about voting FOR the bill as they
consider your story and the thousands like you, or something to that effect.

This is a great job, and I know it took a lot out of you, but thanks so
much for making the effort and getting us all involved too.   I told you
that our 2 Ohio senators are both co-sponsors, Since they are conservative
Republicans,  that gives me hope for the passage of the bill in this
particular Congress.

              Camilla Flintermann
<[log in to unmask]>

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