

Maryse - Most of us who are evolved spiritually don't scream at each
other.  However, Marjorie was right in some aspects.  Most of the PWPD's
I know are rather passive, and only flair up when agitated as a "regular"
human being would.  Sometimes, though, there will something come across
the list, that punches someone's button, and that someone will start a
flame.  I, myself have reacted
adversely sometimes (even though it is not me, but my love who has the
PD)  , but there is always that angel on the list to calm us down.  There
are some people who are so serious, they don't recognize a joke.  Most of
the time, these are those people who are scientifically trained, and we
need them as desperately as we need the jokesters.   There are some
people on the list who do nothing but "fuss" most of the time.  We love
them anyway.  By the way, that's why we have a delete button.  Best
wishes, Jo Ann