

hi all

i thought i knew what sexism was
and here i am guilty of it myself

domestic violence is a contradiction in terms

violence against another
is violence


i'm guilty
of sexism
and i didn't realize it till now
this instant

if you were a good friend of mine, which you are,
but female, which you are not,
and if you had confided in me
your repeated experience of 'the punch bowl effect'
i would have emphatically said to you
long before now:

"you don't have to put up with that,
you don't 'deserve' it,
no one 'deserves' it
you are not a wimp
you are not a weakling
you are not unworthy of better"
"anyone who perpetrates it is acting out their self hatred
on the handiest and least resistant target
you are not the cause of it"
"the perp needs to be stopped
equally as much as
you need it to be stopped"
"the perp is ill and is committing a crime"
"you are not ill
you are not aiding and abetting a crime
you are its victim
and you have every right in the world
to your own personal safety and well-being"
"there is no shame in being a victim
there is no shame in having a crime committed against you"
"your self esteem has been damaged by such chronic behaviour
and you may not be able to extricate yourself on your own
but extricate yourself you must"

so, why in hell would i not say the same thing to a dear friend
who just happened to be male?

i will be asking myself that over the next little while
but here is my love and concern for you
winging its way baggage free
i hope


janet paterson, an akinetic rigid subtype parkie
53 now /44 dx cd / 43 onset cd /41 dx pd / 37 onset pd
TEL: 613 256 8340 SMAIL: POBox 171 Almonte Ontario K0A 1A0 Canada
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