

Quite right. Riluzol (rilutek) has been developed for ALS but is now being
tested for PD

> The French are a wonderful people and high achievers in Science. But
> not the only Europeans in the game.
> Having been to 2 PD research events in England over the last 2 weeks, my
> biased understanding is that 2 labs in England (not private sector) are
> leading the world in the development of new anti-PD drugs. Some leading
> stuff in genetics is also going on. I don't know the state of cell
> replacement research, although I know some companies (eg ReNeuron) are in
> the field. Furthermore, I read today in the newspapers that the Church of
> England has approved of embryo cell research and regard it as no more
> unnatural than IVF treatment or heart transplants.
> The Germans must also be making progress, as the 'best bet' drug
> out there for stopping progression is apparently Riluzol, which I believe
> German and undergoing European-wide trials in PWPs.
> Charles