

Thank you Sandra for writing and sharing your eloquent and powerful
letter, and for taking the initiative to fight for prescription drug
coverage. It is maddening that anyone should have to choose between
buying food or paying rent or buying medicine  they need to be able to
live with PD or any other illness.

Thank you also Phil, Marjorie and Murray for all your hard work in
researching the many Medicare bills before Congress. It is a confusing
mess to say the least. I have to agree that it is very unlikely that the
current Congress is going to pass any significant legislation in their
remaining few days.

But that doesn't mean they shouldn't hear from us! Many, for better or
worse, will be returning to office, and in the next session we can only
hope COngress and whoever ends up in the White House will work together
and address these issues.  Sandra's letter so strongly illustrates why
they must do so. The emphasis is on why prescription drug coverage is
needed in the U.S.  I'd suggest that we all contact our own
representatives, as she asked, and insist that they listen and that they
assure us that they will act on these needs, and remind them that the
voters will be watching. (and then of course, hope that our votes are
among those that are counted!!!)

I think we will also need to keep ourselves educated on the progress of
any proposed legislation on all health care issues ( not just PD) in the
next Congress, and fully understand what they will or won't accomplish.

Thanks again, Sandra, Marjorie, Phil and Murray,
Linda Herman