

Further to Bob's comment on Homeopathy treatment, the Committee for the
Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CISCOP) has carried
out studies on a whole range of Alternative medicines, some of which are
recorded in their 'Skeptiseum' at

They have found that Homeopathy dilutes any active ingredient to the stage
where it is doubtful whether even one molecule of the active ingredient is
still present in the solution.   In analysing the "medicine" no one has been
able to distinguish it from water.

At least it won't do you any harm:-)

Roger Evans
A skeptic from down under

> > I'm afraid I don't know what you mean by "the true sense".  Isn't St.
> > John's Wort an herb?  Making it homeopathic treatment?  Or do I have
> > my terms confused here?
> >
> "Homeopathic" has nothing to do with herbs.  "Homeopathic" is the
> principle which uses, as treatment, a small amount of the *same
> agent* which has caused the disease, to treat it.  In actual fact,
> "homeopathic" applies to the principles of immunizations, where a
> killed or attenuated form of a strain of infectious agent is administered
> in order to provoke an immune response from the body.
> Best,
> Bob