

I was going to stay out of this *frey* but decided that my two cents
might be worth at least three. All of us on this list come from
different backgrounds and have different perspectives. Maybe to put down
anothers idea of humor no matter how we may think is to ride our own
moral high horse. I wonder sometimes how anyone can assume a complete
understanding of another let alone understand why one country sees
things one way and another differently. I am sure that just because we
share a border with Canada that we do not entirely share the same
viewpoints across the 3000 plus miles.  As for Maryse's post, she made
her own observation and has every right to make it. I would think that
*here* among those of us who share so much it would be appreciated and
taken in the spirit in which it was intended. Someone said recently,
that the delete key is available to all of us equally.

* seattle * Audrey
friend of pwp Aussie John  49/42/38?