

For the full story:

While the rest of you sports fans watch football, basketball and baseball,
I watch the Iditarod.

The Associated Press
A N C H O R A G E, Dec. 1 — In a final act of corporate kindness,
tossed a lifeline to Alaska dog mushers faced with the harsh choice of
killing their dogs or watching them starve.
The San Francisco-based online retailer, which pulled the plug Nov. 7 after
failing to find a financial backer, donated more than 21 tons of dog food
to help mushers in Alaska's Interior.
The collapse of salmon runs this year left mushers with too little food for
their dogs this winter. Villagers use sled dogs to check trap lines, haul
water and firewood, and travel between villages.
When the animal-loving company heard about the plight of the hungry sled
dogs, it knew it had to act, said John Cummings, director of investor
relations. The online retailer kept the plan to itself and waited until it
was in liquidation before going ahead because it didn't want to hear from
grumpy stockholders who might want the inventory sold instead, he said.
"Even a struggling dot-com still has a responsibility as a company,"
Cummings said Thursday. "Our company is committed to pets, to animal
welfare. Most people at this company are passionate about it."

just me,

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